Selecting A Microphone:  Before You Buy

Selecting A Microphone: Before You Buy

There are a lot of microphones out on the market suitable for all types of recordings, and a whole lot more that are unsuitable. Before evaluating a microphone for voice over, it helps to understand what the microphone is supposed to do and all the things that can affect (enhance or weaken) performance. (more…)

What Does It Take To Work In Voiceover?

What Does It Take To Work In Voiceover?

I really don’t turn every email I get into a blog, but recent exchanges have asked really great questions. Most recently, a site visitor wrote me:

Hi Nikki,

I love your voice. I have been told I have a nice voice. I am interested in finding someone who can help me break-into the Voice-Over industry. I will also need a demo on MP3 or cd.

Are you in Florida? I am located in . . . Fl.
C . . .


Spanish TV Expands My Skills

Spanish TV Expands My Skills

Until recently, I never watched soap operas. Like many people, I have a need for immediate gratification, and so the thought of having to wait days or weeks for a story to progress is plainly annoying. In fact, my family refused to watch Lord of the Rings until the trilogy was completed and available on DVD. (more…)

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