I came across another great article from Practical eCommerce, “Six Surefire Ways to Boost Sales.” I particularly liked tip number 4 but, as a voiceover producer, I’m probably biased, right? 😉


No 4 – Test Audio Instructions


One of the best ways to increase sales is to include an audio button on your site that tells people exactly what to do in order to buy or subscribe. Telling people in no uncertain terms to “Enter your name and primary email address in the box and click the button” has proven one of the most effective means of getting website visitors to take the actions you want.


Many voiceover talents offer web audio as part of their standard voiceover services. I definitely do. If you’re a voice actor, consider adding web audio to your list of services.


If you’re a business owner and my voice doesn’t fit your project, please consider posting your job lead for free at Voice123.com or Voices.com. Both marketplaces will give you the ability to hear other professional voice actors and obtain bids for your job. In other words, if you don’t hire me, please consider one of my many friends in the voiceover industry. I tend to be on the low side of bidding; but please remember: the lowest bid isn’t always the best voice for the job. The voice you choose will represent you and your company.

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