Profile: Telehold Message On Hold and Audio Marketing
TeleHold is an Oregon-based full-service audio marketing company providing services nationwide. Theirย core services include: (more…)
Some big projects never go away. If you’re the voice for a call center, you can expect clients to come back with requests for more prompts a week, a month or even a year down the road. (more…)
I love some celebrity voiceovers. Christine Lahti is great in the Oil of Olay spots and Antonio Banderas makes me wish I was congested, but here is an article that may make major companies think twice about using celebrity voiceovers — definitely an increased risk of conflict of interest: (more…)
Deciding whether or not to provide voiceover for adult content is just such a slippery slope (no pun intended). On the one hand, many of us agree that adults should have all the consensual fun their private lives can manage. (more…)
As we grow older, our bodies dry out. Although that thrills plastic surgeons and others in the rejuvenation business, it’s an unwelcome reality for singers, voice actors, and public speakers. A dry voice box is not a healthy voice box. (more…)
Voiceovers: offscreen, offstage or otherwise unseen narrations, announcements or vocal utterances — voice — usually (but not necessarily) heard over visual images.