I found a nice, clean, attractive, fast-loading audio player plugin for WordPress today, the WPAudio WordPress Plugin designed by Todd Iceton. It’s very easy to install and customize (alter colors to fit your theme). Because it’s so streamlined, it doesn’t leave a big, empty gap in browsers that don’t support flash.
If you have flash, here’s what the player looks like:
El Sanctuario Promo – English.
Although I had created a page with Html5 tags, I didn’t like how long the page took to load on my iPad. Using this page, gives everyone a faster loading front page for my voiceover demos. Then, iPhone OS users have the option to click on the Html5 version.
There are many audio player plugins for WordPress, but like the standard Html5 audio player, many flash-based audio player plugins load pretty big players. WPAudio is the first one I’ve seen that keep’s things nice and thin. Love it. And you don’t need to use special tags in your post. Just drop in your mp3 hyperlink and the plugin does the rest. Very nice. Thanks Todd.